Emma Bijker

Emma Bijker

Function: treasurer & commissioner facilities Enschede
Study: International Business Administration, UT
Email adress: e.bijker@batavierenrace.nl

Emma Bijker

Hi everyone!

My name is Emma Bijker, and this year I am the treasurer and Facilities Commissioner for Enschede in the 52nd Batavierenrace organizing committee.

As the treasurer, I handle the financial matters and am responsible for the organization's accounting. As the Facilities Commissioner, my role involves managing the finish line and arranging all other facilities on the campus at the University of Twente.

Furthermore, I am a fourth-year student at the University of Twente, and in addition to my board year, I will be completing my bachelor's degree in International Business Administration this year. I also enjoy swimming and you can often find me at the gym. Of course, like any student, I spend a lot of time in the city enjoying some beers.

I'm really looking forward to making the 52nd edition a fantastic one!