The Foundation Board of the Batavierenrace
The Foundation Board has a supervisory and controlling role, especially in the financial area. The board creates preconditions for the functioning of the Organisation Committee and monitors the continuity of the Foundation. The board currently consists of five people: two persons are appointed from both universities (the Radboud University Nijmegen and the University of Twente), the other board members are appointed by the Foundation Board and/or the Organisation Committee.
Members of the Foundation Board
The foundation board consist of the following members:
- Mevr. Chantal Hilgeholt - Voorzitter
Manager Facility Services, University of Twente
- Mevr. Irene Salverda - Vicevoorzitter
Strategy Advisor, Wageningen University & Research
- Mevr. Charissa van Mourik - Secretaris
Head Student Life and International Mobility, Radboud University
- Dhr. Joris Hermans - Penningmeester
Head of Sports, Radboud University
- Dhr. Gijs Verburg - Lid
Manager Sports & Culture, University of Twente