Zoëlle van Bommel

Zoëlle van Bommel

Function: chairman
Study achieved: International Business Administration, UT
Email address: voorzitter@batavierenrace.nl

Zoëlle van Bommel

My name is Zoelle van Bommel, I am 20 years old, and I have graduated from International Business Administration at the University of Twente.

After completing my Bachelor's degree in October, I didn't want to start my master's degree right away but rather wanted to enjoy the student life a bit longer. That's how I got involved with the Batavierenrace, where I can work on a fantastic project with an amazing board. As the chairperson, I am responsible for the overall organization of the 52nd Batavierenrace. Additionally, it is my task to maintain an overview, support my fellow OC (Organizing Committee) members, and ensure that the atmosphere and cooperation within the group remain positive.

In my free time, I am often found on the hockey field at Drienerlose Hockey Club or at the gym. I also enjoy having a nice drink in the city with friends.

I'm really looking forward to the upcoming year and am excited about the 52nd Batavierenrace!